First, the definition of clean plant:
1. What is a clean room?
Hin sharp "(xiamen) purification production within a certain space of the clean workshop refers to the remove the particles in the air, harmful air, bacteria and other pollutants, and the indoor temperature, cleanliness, interior pressure, wind speed and air distribution, noise, vibration, lighting and electrostatic control within a certain range to the special design of the room.
II. Classification by use.
1. Industrial clean room. Its goal is to manipulate inanimate particles. The main control gas dust particles on the air pollution, generally maintain internal pressure.
2. Biological clean plant.
Control contamination of working objects by living particles (bacteria) and inanimate particles (dust). At the same time, the internal material must be able to withstand the erosion of a variety of fungicides, internal pressure generally remains the same. The main control of particulate matter pollution to the outside world and people. The room must maintain negative pressure with the atmosphere.
III. Classification by airflow.
1. Unidirectional flow clean room.
Pollutants from indoor sources are driven out of the room by clean air before they can spread into the room, and the incoming clean air isolates the source.
Four, features: the streamline is unidirectional parallel, the immediate streamline is parallel to each other, the clean air flow is not one or several, but fills the whole room, so the clean plant is not by the clean air flow on the indoor dirty air mixing dilution effect, but by the promotion of the clean air flow.
1. Turbulent clean workshop.
In short, the principle of non-unidirectional flow is dilution. Features: Turbulent clean plant depends on multiple air change, to achieve the purpose of clean and clean.
2. Radial flow clean room.
The outlet diffuser orifice is generally made of 1? / 4 arc. Through this outlet, a stream of clean air is sent to the sloping return air outlet, and pollutants are "pushed diagonally" to the return air area, and finally discharged into the room.
Features: In the case of the same cleanliness requirements, the required air supply is very small, the energy saving effect is very significant, the radial flow clean plant can reach the cleanliness level of 1000 and below.